Monday 10 June 2013

Yum!: The Fish & Chip Shop, Islington

Attention Vintage Lifestyle Enthusiasts and Bloggers... Freakin' adorable restaurant / photoshoot location alert!

Saturday day was spent left to my own devices (oh, hello spending hours upon hours staring in the mirror plus a quick trip to see The Great Gatsby in 3D -- which I loved).

Saturday night was nearly ruined by Street Feast being a ghost town (I simply can't figure that place's schedule out) but was saved at Lucky Chip (obvs) with a few pickle backs and burgers (OBVS).

Sunday morning (the wee morning) resulted in an impromptu tender lovin' foot stompin' dance party at the casa with only a few incidents of attempted arson and one runaway bicyclist.... and one hella rousin' game of Trivial Pursuit.

Sunday afternoon (the part where I woke up) was welcomed by the most lady-like of headaches and raccoon eyes.

Sunday evening... was amazing.

We went for a walk to regain our health and lustre and ended up in Islington, as is often the case.

We could not for the life of us decide what to nourish ourselves with... until we both blurted out Mongolian BBQ at the same time! Realising that that was a pipe dream in our current state we decided to settle for something nearby.... and then we passed it.

Oh glory be it was gorgeous. Where did this oasis in the desert come from? Is this a fever dream?

It was The Fish & Chip Shop!

Of course, since I was in a "delicate" state I didn't even bring my phone so got no pictures! I suck at this.

But I did find a few around the Google.....

Gorgeous, am I right? 

And the food wasn't half bad neither!

I had.... drumroll...

Scallop to start
Halfpint o' prawns to start all over again
The whole grilled lemon sole
Spicy tartar sauce
Mushy peas
Pickled wally
Strawberries and Cream with Shortbread

Accompanied by:

The House White which was lovely
And the most beautifully coloured Cava Rosado... it was like a dream!

Herr Le Bear had:

The Whole Lobster with Chips
Garlic Mayo
Strawberries and Cream and Shortbread

Such a dude!

We recommend the place. Though the lobster was wonderful it wasn't 100% perfectly / evenly cooked.

Other than that, zero complaints. 

Fantastic atmosphere, delightful service, delicious fish!

I give it... an arbitrary 8/10... with 10/10 being the first time I ever had Hawksmoor.

Sigh. To go back and do that one all over again :)

Credits: The Fish and Chip ShopPantling StudioHow To Spend It

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