Sunday 16 June 2013

A Father's Day History Mystery

About 15 years ago, I was having a tough time as a "teenage super-square". I was never too bratty, or angsty, I guess, just kind of.... lost and confused.

One day, my dad came home from doing his rounds on the Garage Sale circuit (That's right, my dad was one of the original G-Salers) with a precious little wooden box inlaid with silver and copper accents in the form of Egyptian motifs.

He told me the box had a very interesting history behind it.

It had belonged to a young girl many, many years ago who was filled with sorrow at losing her love. She would cry every day, saving her tears in this box. And penning little notes of hopes and wishes that when mixed with her tears in this magical box would come true.

So he told me that next time I feel sad I should do the same. And keep all my hopes and wishes in there.

He spun a good yarn and, as I was and will always be a sucker for that man, I still believe every word to this day.

Vintage Egyptian Box

I don't know much else about the box other than that story. A little Sunday googling lead me to this:
So I am assuming it is also from the 1920s / 1930s and it looks like it could be quite similar, albeit in much worse condition.

Not that its condition matters at all. How could I even think of Antique Roadshow-ing a genuine magical wishing box???

But really, I hope everyone has a lovely Father's Day - because I know I won't. Nothing's much of anything without my "Fatty". Staying positive :)

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