Sunday 17 March 2013

Corporate Couture: Cat Eye Time Trials

Corporate Couture... That might be a misnomer as I don't mean "labels" nor "houses" nor 7 inch heels. 

I mean "couture" in the way that it's fantasy and art and very, very individual - an enhanced dreamlike version of the norm. 

And "corporate" - meaning corporate. 

Put them together and you get what this series is about - incorporating your personal style into work appropriate outfits that won't have your bosses dialling for the mad house nor wondering if you've recently suffered a house fire. Or at least it will try to be!

First things first, I am working on getting a morning eyeliner routine down pat. I think if you got the subtle cat-eye going for you then you can be forgiven a less than gorgeous button down and loafers combo.

See! Like this:

You TOTALLY can't even tell they are wearing pajama jeans and snuggies... BECAUSE OF THE EYELINER!

Here is my first attempt at this quickfire challenge...

A bit wonky and smudgy - not to mention the heavily windblown and not at all styled fringe. Look, it was either eyeliner or everything else that morning. Me needed some sleep.

Without sleep I look like this:

(Yes, I have gotten into the weird kinda old-timer habit of taking pictures of the telly. I have got a great video of Mr. T dancing to Frankie Lymon that I will post at some point because it needs to be shared... This reminds me of my friends grandma who prints out jokes from the internet on paper to be saved in a binder - which might be the best thing ever...)

All in all though, not a bad attempt and I think this clocked in at just under 5 minutes with application and tweaking. Next time I will be more scientific with an actual stopwatch for the sheer joy of being hopelessly weird.

Credits: SHAG print via Daily Du Jour

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